I started running about four years ago and have subsequently progressed from 8 mile fun runs to Ultra marathons. Running seemed like a convenient form of keeping fit which is what I needed because I work 12 hour shifts at a hospital and finding the time to attend fitness classes was inconsistant. Before I knew it I had signed up for as many half marathons as I could the next year, followed by a year of marathons and to date have run 4 Ultra Marathons and 7 marathons. My ultimate plan for 2010 is to participate in the Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon, a 250km (155mile) 7 day endurance race through the Kalahari Desert. Each participant has to provide their own food, sleeping bag and mat, cooking and eating utensils, first aid kit and any other requirements necessary for optimal performance and survival and run with it on our backs through the Kalahari. We shall also be responsible for carrying our own daily water supplies. Some people may think this sounds like torture, but to me it seems like a fantastic challenge which requires much scientific preparation.
This race will also provide me with another opportunity to raise funds for HOKISA (Homes for Kids in South Africa) which I am very excited about. I was able to fundraise for this very worthy cause during my 2009 Comrades Marathon (56mile/89km) experience and spent a beautiful day with the 19 kids that call HOKISA home as well as the fantastic people who manage and run HOKISA.
I am living proof that with a bit of work and determination 'anything is possible'. I also believe that humans are designed to run and have benefitted from running in so many ways i.e stronger and more efficient cardiovascular system, increased endurance and stamina, calm mind, elevated personal developement, instant access to meditation while running, a greater love for life and an increased interest for optimal nutrition through a vegan diet.
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